Contact Information

Linda DeLoatch is dedicated to supplying you information and solutions to your hair care needs right from your home with a tele-conference call.

“After being in the hair replacement business for many years,  I have a deeper understanding of the need and support it provides  to live a free and normal lifestyle by helping my own family members through the difficult times of hair loss.”

Information is abundant in this day and age, but how does it relate to you? Linda offers a FREE 15 minute tele-conference call from your device. “That is where I can help you find your solution to your hair care needs.”

Call  or text the salon at 757-498-8199 to set-up your free tele-conference call or simply an appointment with Linda in her private studio. All of our clients information is treated with respect and complete confidentiality.

Hope to see you soon, Linda

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Phone or Text 757- 498-8199
